8 Ways to Manage a Rigorous Course Load in Medical School

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Are you a high school student with dreams of getting into a medical school and becoming a qualified doctor? Or you have successfully gained admission into one of the best Caribbean medical schools? Preparing for this challenging journey ahead can help you make the most of your time and make things more manageable. In medical school, managing a heavy course load and balancing multiple classes in medical school is a daunting task for many students.

Though it seems too hard to balance pharmacology, physiology, anatomy, cardiology, and psychiatry at once, it can be done. You can make great grades, get everything done on time, and effectively managing the heavy course load only if you develop some learning and time management strategies.

Here are some smart ways to balance multiple classes in medical school, learn the sheer volume of information, and manage extensive coursework that will eventually make it easier for you to succeed in medical school.

1. Choose a Study Style that Suits You Best

When it comes to managing a rigorous workload in medical school, it is important to choose the best study method that can help you achieve the grades you want. There are many effective study methods medical students can choose to become an effective learner. Check out this blog to determine your learning style and make studying enjoyable.

2. Take Practice Tests

Being a medical school, you are required to pass the USMLE Step1 and 2 to practice medicine. You can familiarize yourself with the test format and build confidence by taking as many practice tests as you can.

3. Create a Study Schedule

Creating a study schedule can help you learn important medical concepts and difficult terminologies, complete your homework assignments, and lab work. Make sure to study in multiple sessions instead of consecutive three to four hours. Try to limit your study sessions to 30 minutes, as studying for long hours can simply lead to procrastination.

4. Study in Different Work Hours

When it comes to balancing biochemistry, anatomy, histology, and pathology all at once, it is important to set aside time for each subject. For instance, you can dedicate Monday for anatomy and histology, Tuesday for pharmacology and biochemistry and so on. This way, you can better plan your day and stay on top of your studies. If you study a little bit every day and review your lecture material continuously, it will make it easier for you to keep things in mind for long. It also avoids the stress of last-minute cramming.

5. Break down Large Tasks into Bite-Sized Tasks

When you feel like you have a lot of stuff to do and you want to complete each and every goal, all you need to is to create a list of things that you need to achieve at the end of the day or week. Making a list at the start of the day will give you a clear picture of what you need to be done. When you are trying to absorb too much information or completing your assignment at once, it makes it hard to get your task done on time. Your brain works better if you break down your tasks into smaller chunks. If you break your two-hour study session into 30 to 40 minutes learning session and take a 5 minutes break, it will increase your efficiency and help you restore information for long. Next time you are revising or working on an assignment, set yourself a time limit, and take planned short breaks. It will allow your memory to digest everything you learned. The ultimate goal of breaking the task down into manageable chunks is to keep your mind fresh and enable you to get all tasks done.

6. Record Your Lectures

In medical schools, when you are taking a class, there are times when a professor a new terminology or medical concept that is difficult to understand. In these cases, recording the lecture is a sensible approach that enables you to listen to later understand the concept and prepare for the exam. Listening to a lecture two to three times can help you understand the concept. A lecture recording is a good option for those who find it difficult to listen to a lecture, identify all the important points and then make notes at the same time. By recording a lecture allows, you can easily repeat the lecture as many times as you want and get a better grasp of the material.

7. Study with Friends

Studying with friends can increase your productivity, motivation, and accelerate your learning. So, make a few friends to study in groups and discuss the topics you find confusing, quiz each other, and compare notes. Studying in groups also enable students to learn faster and sharpen their mind.

8. Beat Procrastination

One of the best ways to beat procrastination is to find a place that is distraction free and make studying actually enjoyable. There is no arguing the fact that the biggest killers to productivity are distractions. Create a study space that minimizes distraction. Another effective method to beat procrastination is to reward yourself for successfully reaching a milestone. For instance, you can reward yourself with your favorite meal, hanging out with friends after you complete your assignment before the due date.

Bottom Line

Medical school in intense and there is no doubt about it. Hopefully, these tips will enable you to effectively balance a heavy course load in medical school and perform outstandingly throughout your medical school journey.

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