AMSA Suturing July – 16

Take a look at the suturing clinic that was held by American Medical Student Association on July 19th, 2016. For more information or to apply for enrollment at Windsor University School of Medicine in St. Kitts.

Davenport University Information Webinar

We will be having a Davenport University Information Seminar featuring Windsor University Alumni for prospective and current students. Dr. Jesse Morse has agreed to participate in the webinar. He is a family medicine resident physician at Creighton University Medical Center.

Hurricane Season Alert

Windsor University – Caribbean Medical School alerts all faculty, staff and students to the hurricane season in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the Caribbean, and the Gulf of Mexico. The hurricane season lasts through November 2016.

How to Ease the Transition to Medical School in 2022? Tips for First-Year Students

So, finally you have successfully gained a spot in your favorite medical school. Congratulations! Before you start your medical school journey, you need to prepare for a smooth transition to medical school. For first-year students, the transition to undergraduate studies to medical school and a professional career seems a daunting task. Unlike college, medical school […]

Active Recall – How to Use This Effective Study Technique to Score a Good GPA?

If you want to become a successful medical student and perform well in exams, then re-reading the textbook, highlighting your notes, and watching YouTube videos isn’t enough. Medical students have to master a lot of course material in a short amount of time. Thanks to active recall, an effective learning method that actively stimulates your memory for an important […]