How Can Medical Students Excel in Clinical Rotations?

So, you have finally reached the most important year of medical school – MS3. You have successfully completed the intense and rigorous coursework, taken tests and passed two years in the classroom. Now it’s the time to begin your clinical years. Third year is a time for clinical rotations when you interact with patients and […]

A Complete Guide to Become an Obstetrician

So, you have decided to become an obstetrician, obstetrician-gynecologist or OB/GYN. Great. This post will help you understand how to become an obstetrician. Explore the steps you need to take to apply to medical schools, research the education, training and licensure requirements for pursuing a career as an OB-GYN. Obstetricians are medical practitioners who are […]

Why Do Aspiring Physicians Need Clinical Experience for Medical School?

Is it mandatory to have some clinical experience before attending a medical school? What type of clinical experience you should gain? These are the most common questions many premed students ask before applying to medical school. Many medical school admissions committees look for students with strong clinical experience. An outstanding GPA and MCAT score are […]

Medical Residency Length – A Definitive Guide 2022-2023

How long does it take to complete a residency program? What is the average length of residency training? What is the shortest residency training program? What is the longest residency training program? These are some common questions medical students ask when deciding on which residency program to choose. The length of medical residency is one […]

An Easy Guide to Choosing a Medical School and Receiving an Acceptance Letter

How to choose a medical school? This is one of the most important questions many medical school hopefuls frequently ask to their advisors, professors and admissions officials. Medical school selection is an important process that can have a significant impact on your professional and personal life. Many premeds wonder about how many schools to apply […]

5 Jobs for Premeds to Make Their Gap Year More Productive

So, you have decided to take a gap year. It’s time to decide how to spend your gap year productively. Many premedical students take a gap year to improve their medical school application and develop qualities required to become a competent doctor. While some take a gap year after facing medical school rejection and want to prepare […]