A Guide to Pursuing a Career in Rheumatology for Medical Students
Are you a budding doctor, harbouring a passion for making a real difference in people’s lives? Well, have you ever considered the fascinating world of rheumatology? It’s a rewarding specialty that might just be the perfect fit for you after you conquer your general medical training examination. As a rheumatologist, you’ll have the incredible opportunity […]
Why Is English Proficiency So Important to International Medical Schools?
The ability to use English proficiently has become vital to studying and practicing medicine in an international setting. No matter how competent you are as a physician, you can be of no help to the patient if you lack good communication skills. This is why, when you apply to a Caribbean medical school, you are […]
Struggling with Medical School? Here’s How to Bounce back after a Failure
Caribbean Medical school students are not unfamiliar with challenges and struggles. You enter med school with all these dreams and aspiration of what you want to be, so failing medical school is the worst fear of every medical student. You don’t anticipate you’ll fail, and nothing prepares you for the setback… but what happens if you […]
Understanding the Importance of Board Certification for Physicians
Patients of today don’t just choose the next available health care provider; they look into a variety of factors to find the best physician for their needs. However, while most patients commonly consider their proximity to the physician, compatibility with their insurance plan, real patient reviews, and experience, board-certification is another important factor that validates […]
10 Types of Surgeons That Perform Surgery
The field of surgery stands out among career paths, offering unparalleled personal and professional satisfaction. Moreover, its career outlook remains exceptionally promising, characterised by stability and a strong demand for specialised surgeons. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), there is a significant projected shortage of up to 28,700 surgeons in the US […]
Traditional Vs. Non-traditional Medical Students: Everything You Need to Know
The field of medicine is one that values diversity and inclusion, not only in the patients it serves but also in the healthcare professionals it educates. Caribbean Medical Schools in the United States have witnessed a notable shift in recent years, with an increasing number of non-traditional medical students entering the fray. Gone are the […]