Getting your Medical School Application Right: Asking for Help can go a long way!

Like all pre-medical students, you are most likely capable and confident, with a fierce independent streak, but unfortunately, while all these qualities are indispensable to making a first great impression on the admissions committee, they can also impede you from soliciting help on your medical school applications. The more cock-sure you become, the more certain you are that you have everything under control. Gathering expert advice from professionals in the field can make all the difference between having to face rejection and securing an admissions interview. Here is everything you need to know about seeking help with your med school admissions before you apply to a Caribbean medical school.

Why Is It Important to seek help? 

Applying to medical schools is both time and money intensive, therefore, you want your application to be immaculate and make its mark on the admissions committee. If asking for help from the right people can boost your chances of securing admissions, why wouldn’t you want to give it a try? Pre-medical students sometimes hold out on asking for help due to trepidation and stubbornness, but you can overcome these petty emotions if you realize what is at stake, and how outside help can fill in all the gaps in your admissions applications.

Who to Ask?

Start off by dividing all your contacts into two categories: people who wish to see you succeed and people who are acquainted with your abilities and experiences, and have preferably worked with you. The first group includes volunteer mentors and your close friends and family, while the second envelopes your admissions directors, admissions coaches, professors, and advisors, to name a few. Each group offers help in their capacity and can bring you a step closer to pursuing your dream.

What Kind of Help Do I Need?

While different people can offer aid by reviewing myriad sections of your application, we suggest that you always write your own description of activities and admissions essays. You can brainstorm and discuss your ideas with others on how best to approach a topic, but it is highly important that the final essay comes entirely out of you.

After your perosnal statement is done and dusted with, either of your contact groups can review your essays for grammar and content. You also need someone to scrutinize your essays to see if they truly embody you. This step helps you gain insight, which you can use to tweak your personal statement. You can ask an acquaintance who has a deep comprehension of the admissions process to go through your description of activities and see that they are labeled accurately. If your activities are not labeled properly, you may not be able to receive the credit that you are due.

When To Ask For Help?

Asking for help at the last minute when things seem to be crumbling through your fingers, is not prudent. It’s better to be an early bird and ask for help earlier in the process. If you wait too long, there won’t be enough time for your contacts to make any final enhancements or adjustments to your application paraphernalia, assuming that they are available in the first place.

When premed advisors are bombarded by a stream of applicants in late spring, the advisors cannot shower much time and attention on each individual candidate. If you want an undisputed attention of your advisors, we suggest that you approach them annually in fall and winter. This will save you from countless omissions and you will have plenty of help all through the process. If you are looking to ask researchers and professors for help before you apply to a Caribbean medical school, refrain from doing so right before their end-of-term grades, presentations, or big grants are due.

Family members, on the other hand, are more flexible and generally willing to shed light on your personal statements any time. But even here, family dynamics could perhaps discourage you from sharing your personal statement with a member. However, remember that your parents know you the best of all, whether you want to admit it or not, so there is no one better to ask for help.

The Right Place to Meet

Now that you have sorted out your list of potential helpers, you might be thinking of the right place to meet with them. The best course of action is to meet up with each contact in a quiet and professional setting, such as in their office. Only resort to Email or call if you’re geographically distant. A face-to-face tête-à-tête allows the exchange to be personal, and makes sure that the person answers all your questions, in addition to helping you focus on the advice being given.

How Best to Ask for Help?

Make sure to display humility and remember to remain tactful and polite. Be sure to express appreciation for their help, be it a family member or a professional contact. They are sparing their time and thoughts for you. Don’t you think that a little gratitude is in order? As you navigate the choppy seas of the medical school admissions process, be sure to team up with a host of talented and thoughtful people who can show you how best to demonstrate your qualifications and skills and help you fine-tune your application materials before you apply to a Caribbean medical school.





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