As you research the possibilities and select a Caribbean medical school, you might also wish to familiarize yourself with the history of any prospective choice. Also important is a school’s mission. You should be sure that the university you attend represents values that reflect your own.
Windsor University School of Medicine (WUSOM) is concerned with producing graduates who are highly skilled and capable of serving the community at large. We know that the role we play is an important one, and we are proud to assist our students today in becoming the world’s doctors of tomorrow.
Windsor University School of Medicine: Timeline and Significance
Below is a brief timeline of our affordable academic environment, which was designed to welcome international students of diverse cultures. In examining this timeline and our mission, you may gain a better understanding of the part WUSOM might have in your future:
We Are Proud to Be Your St. Kitts Medical School
You are the medical professionals of tomorrow. At the onset of your journey to success, be certain that you are attending an honorable institution with noble intentions. From our inception and throughout our evolution, we continue to uphold and are proud of our goals. We have also worked hard to achieve those goals, just as we know you will do to attain yours. Your timeline begins now. Contact us to find out how you can get started on your Caribbean medical school degree. We are dedicated to providing an affordable, yet outstanding, education to all of our students. We will be happy to answer your questions.