Windsor University School of Medicine Blog

For almost 2 decades, Windsor University School of Medicine has been providing opportunity, education, and support to students from all over the world to achieve their academic and career goals. Follow our blog to learn more about our institution, the medical field, and medical instruction.
May 24, 2018

How to Survive Your Pre-clinical Medical Years – 5 Tips for Aspiring Doctors

Caribbean Medical school can be extremely taxing, right from the beginning when you are venturing a foot forward into your pre-clinical years. It seems another lifetime […]
May 17, 2018

5 Proven Ways to Stay Positive through the Rigors of a Medical School

Staying positive is a key factor to success in life. Finding positivity and high levels of motivation to keep going on even in the face of […]
May 15, 2018

Here’s How You Can Survive and Thrive as a First-Year Medical Student

Congratulations! After months of preparation and stress, dredging through a taxing process of getting through interviews, taking entrance exams, requesting all who would listen to write […]
May 10, 2018

Getting your Medical School Application Right: Asking for Help can go a long way!

Like all pre-medical students, you are most likely capable and confident, with a fierce independent streak, but unfortunately, while all these qualities are indispensable to making […]
May 7, 2018
Non-science Courses

Can Non-science Courses Help You Prepare For Medical School Challenges?

Surviving in a medical school entails much more than remembering the differential diagnosis of back pain before rounds, reminiscing biochemical pathways, or dissecting cadavers in the anatomy […]
May 4, 2018
Medical School Motivations

Prepare to Sell your Admissions Committees on Your Medical School Motivations

One of the most vital components of your medical school application process is an interview with the admissions committee, where you get to sell them on […]
May 2, 2018
Reapplying to a Med School

Reapplying to a Med School? These 5 Tips will benefit you immensely

During the first application cycle, thousands of students feel the sting of despair as they can’t make it to the final list. The feeling can quickly […]
April 25, 2018

Ace Your Med School Interview by Fine-Tuning your Communication Skills

Becoming a physician entails much more than simply acquiring the right set of skills to recognize and treat a host of diseases. The field of medicine […]
April 24, 2018

Key Characteristics Prevalent in Successful Medical School Applicants

If you are in the throes of applying to a stream of prospective Caribbean medical schools, you might find yourself wondering how you can set yourself […]