Windsor University School of Medicine Blog

For almost 2 decades, Windsor University School of Medicine has been providing opportunity, education, and support to students from all over the world to achieve their academic and career goals. Follow our blog to learn more about our institution, the medical field, and medical instruction.
August 23, 2017

Dos and Don’ts of Residency Application Interview

If you are a 4th-year medical student, chances are that you might already be attending a lot of interviews. For starters, interviews can be daunting and […]
August 21, 2017

How to Prepare for a Pre-Med Degree in High School

What does a high school student need to know before enrolling in a pre-med school? How can you find out whether medicine is the right career for […]
August 18, 2017

Who Should Consider Applying to an International Medical School

People from numerous locations wish to go to school in the Caribbean. At Windsor University School of Medicine (WUSOM), we get applicants from places such as […]
August 11, 2017

Rolling Admissions for a Caribbean University

When you are applying to a medical school such as Windsor University School of Medicine (WUSOM), you have many details to consider, including admissions. All colleges and universities do […]
August 4, 2017

Making Use of the Student of Medicine Handbook and Student Services at Your Caribbean Medical School

Once you apply to and are accepted into the Windsor University School of Medicine (WUSOM), you will have many details to consider. In addition to becoming […]
July 28, 2017

The Difference Between the USMLE and the MCCEE

Once you have completed your medical education at Windsor Caribbean medical school, you will need to meet certain requirements if you want to get a residency […]
July 24, 2017

What to Pack for Student Housing When You Study Medicine in the Caribbean

Whether you come from Orlando, Kansas City, or Ottawa, going to school in St. Kitts is sure to be an exciting new experience. You will want […]
July 14, 2017

Study Tips for Students in Basic & Clinical Science Programs

No matter how hardworking and dedicated you are, medical school can be challenging. The reward for all of that hard work is a highly stimulating and […]
July 7, 2017

Start Your Medical School Process by Improving Your Memory

Whether you are currently studying pre-med courses or are further along in the curriculum, battling with your memory can be frustrating. If you are trying to study for […]