7 Sure-Fire Ways to Succeed as a Premedical Student

Each year, thousands of aspirant doctors get into the medical school they had aspired for. Some are confused about pursuing a career in medicine and many prospective pre-medical students have no previous knowledge of medicine under their belts. Before you enroll in a Pre-medical science program, know that becoming a doctor isn’t a piece of cake.  If you’re planning to get into a medical school, you need to be on your toes.  These four years will certainly be humbling, exhausting, stressful, and sleep-deprived; but rewarding to say the least. Although there will inevitably be times when it would feel like the sky is falling, know that you will survive, match in your top residency choices, and become the ultimate physician that you have always dreamed of with these nuggets of wisdom offered by top physicians. If you are thinking of getting your feet wet in pre-medical sciences, here are some ways to make your medical school journey more enriching and meaningful, helping you wade through the rigors of a high-stress environment.

Plan Early

Remember, your grades can make all the difference when applying to a medical school. Medical schools prefer to take on smart, competitive and unique students, sporting stellar academic records. Performing well in your high school is important because it will not only increase your chances of getting accepted into the best pre-medical science program, it will also give you the pertinent knowledge necessary to perform well in your medical school.

Study Hard

A pre-med science program is a bit tougher than high school classes and needs a diverse and comprehensive kind of study. Even students with a stellar academic record have to work round the clock and labor for hours at the library as pre-meds. Being a pre-medical student, you have to ace courses such as biology, chemistry, physics, math and English. Since the course load seems time-consuming and intimidating, with hard work and unflinching determination, you can make it doable. There are a plethora of learning strategies and study methods that you can follow to succeed as a premedical student.

Set up a Meeting with a Premedical Advisor

Many medical schools offer pre-medical advising to help students who have just crossed over into the medical realm. You can set up a meeting with a pre-health or premedical advisor who can guide you in choosing your class schedule and help you find extracurricular activities at your medical school. Your premedical advisor helps you meet certain requirements to apply to a Caribbean medical school and figure out what pre-medical courses you need to take as prerequisites. This is indeed a great opportunity to discuss your interests, concerns and learn everything that you need to know to succeed as a premedical student.

Minimize Distractions

When it comes to preparing for the medical school life ahead, it is highly recommended to stop procrastinating and focus on the most important task at hand – studying. Your phone alone probably has a lot of different ways to keep you from getting your assignments done in time or preparing for a quiz. Turn off your phone, cancel your Netflix subscription, and don’t while away hours playing video games. You have to completely steer clear of the habit of procrastination, keep distractions at bay, and stay focused if you really want to be successful as a pre-medical student.

Complete Undergraduate Research

Premedical students are strongly advised to participate in diverse extracurricular activities to gain exposure in medicine and other related fields. Medical research is a worthwhile extracurricular that every pre-medical student needs to participate in. There are a number of universities, laboratories, and private companies that offer summer internship programs for undergraduates. If truth be told, your undergraduate research projects will stand out strikingly on your medical school application and the admissions committee will surely take note of that. Engaging yourself in research will also help you learn critically, independently and creatively. Moreover, it can provide clarity on your academic and career interests and goals.

Shadowing Physicians

Shadowing physicians in various settings is a great way to get a feel for different medical careers. You can contact hospitals, health centers, nursing homes and family physicians to find some great shadowing opportunities. There are some medical schools that offer shadow matching programs that can help premedical students get one foot in the door. Do what your preceptor asks you to do and volunteer to help with appropriate tasks. Your shadowing experience in various specialties can make you unique and prepare you for a better medical career.

Have Fun

It can be easy to get buried up to your neck in schoolwork and extracurricular activities, but that doesn’t mean that you have to spend all your time in the library, surrounded by books, lectures, and notes. Performing outstandingly in classes is indispensable, but that doesn’t mean that you have to neglect your social life. Take some time out to have fun. Hang out with your friends, exercise regularly, and do what you love most. Life of a pre-medical student is daunting enough as is, but you should spend quality time with your friends and family, participate in extracurricular activities and partake in hobbies to rejuvenate your mind and stay productive.

To Conclude it All

Becoming a doctor isn’t easy. If you are planning to join a Pre-medical science program, be prepared. These four years will be quite extraneous to say the least. However, these tips and trick will instill in pre-med students ways on how they can succeed in medical school without incurring emotional trauma.

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