Nine Mistakes Prospective Medical Students Should Avoid to Maximize Their Admission Prospects

Creating a perfect medical school application is important to maximize your chances of acceptance. From scoring an impressive GPA to participating in extracurricular activities, getting letters of recommendation, and gaining some clinical experience, there are many factors that make you a strong medical school applicant. Many aspiring medical school students aren’t aware of the medical […]

Interested in Pathology? Here’s Why You Should Pursue a Career as a Pathologist

Pathology is one of the most important medical curricula that students learn during their clinical and nonclinical years. It is one of the diverse medical specialties that has a broader career scope and focuses on different areas of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases. If you are interested in pathology but not sure whether you […]

Five Things You Should Do Before Embarking on Your Medical School Journey

So, finally you have been accepted to medical school, congratulations. What’s next? Obviously, you are excited to start your medical school journey. Many successful medical school applicants are not sure how to get a head start after medical school acceptance. They have no idea about the rigors of medical school life and how to survive […]

Inpatient vs. Outpatient – Which Type of Patient Care Will You Choose?

If you are a medical student thinking about applying to a residency program, there are a number of considerations you need to keep in your mind to find the perfect residency match. The type of residency program you apply should align with your career goals and personal interests. However, one thing you should also keep […]

Choosing a Career in Sports Medicine

There is no denying that sports medicine is one of the most rapidly growing fields of the healthcare industry that primarily focuses on preventing and treating sports-related injuries. This specialized branch of medicine deals with injuries of athletes, non-athletes, and anyone who participates in physical activities. Sports medicine physicians can work in a number of […]

Eight Questions to Help You Decide Should You Go to Medical School?

Deciding whether to go to medical school or not is one of the biggest decisions of your life. Medical school and pursuing a career in this challenging field is an incredibly long and challenging journey. It requires four years of rigorous education, three years of residency training, and a few more years of specialized training […]