How to Master the Pediatric Rotation with these Helpful Resources

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The pediatric clerkship is a 6-10-week clinical rotation in which 3rd-year students will learn how to provide competent, effective, and preventive care for children. Students will learn core pediatric concepts that help them identify growth, development, and behavioral issues among infants and children. They will also learn how to create treatment and management plans for different medical disorders.

Pediatrics is one of the most less stressful rotations, attendings, and residents will care much about your involvement and commitment to individual patient. Doing well on your pediatric rotation is important as children are different from adults.

When it comes to preparing for pediatrics rotation, there are many best resources and study materials available that will help you succeed in your rotation and secure impressive marks in the shelf exam. If you want to make your pediatric clerkship a memorable experience and preparing well for pediatric shelf exam, here are some of the best resources to master your pediatric rotation.

Pre-Test Pediatrics

Pediatrics Pre-Test Self-Assessment and Review, 14th edition is authored by Robert Yetman (Author), and Mark Hormann. The book is an incredible resource to test your knowledge of pediatrics for the USMLE Step 2 CK and shelf exams. It includes more than 500 USMLE format questions with detailed explanations of right and wrong answers. It is tailored to prepare you for the shelf exam and covers everything that you need to know to ace the exam.

Board Review Series Pediatrics

BRS Pediatrics (Board Review Series) is written by Lloyd J. Brown and Lee Todd Miller. The book is designed to provide students with complete information on primary care and subspecialty pediatrics. It provides a comprehensive overview of the basic principles of pediatrics and detailed information on topics such as development, cardio, infections, and GI. You will find case-base review tests at the end of each chapter. It is one of the best resources for pediatric rotations that can better prepare you for the USMLE Step 2.

Blueprints Pediatrics (Blueprints Series) Sixth Edition

Blueprints Pediatrics is authored by Bradley S. Marino MD MPP MSCE and Katie S. Fine MD. The book is a great resource that provides students with the essential information to succeed in the pediatrics rotation and the board exam. Every chapter briefly explains the important topics with the help of figures, tables, and bold keywords. It includes 10 USMEL format questions and detailed answers at the end of the book. To strengthen the concepts of students rotating in pediatrics, a dedicated section is present that includes 2 case studies per chapter and overall 40 to 50 cases. Furthermore, you will find 26 colorful images of dermatology and infectious diseases and flow diagrams of congenital heart defects.

Case File Pediatrics

Case File Pediatrics, fifth edition, authored by Eugene C. Toy, Robert J. Yetman, Mark D. Hormann, Sheela L. Lahoti, Margaret C. McNeese, Mark Jason Sanders, and Abby M. Geltemeyer. This book can help students to secure impressive marks in shelf-exams and improve their overall clerkship performance. The book includes more than 60 clinical cases that help students improve their clinical and problem-solving skills. You will also find an explanation of each case, references and USMLE style questions, and answers. The new case correlations feature highlights differential diagnosis and related cases in the book.

First Aid for the Pediatrics Clerkship 

The is one of the greatest resources for a pediatric clerkship, written by Latha Ganti and Matthew S. Kaufman. It covers hundreds of topics that you need to know to perform well on your shelf exams and wards. It also features sections on how to succeed, what to study, exams, and ward tips by the students who aced the boards that will help you succeed in your clerkship and shelf exam. First Aid for the Pediatrics Clerkship has different tables, illustrations, mnemonics, and colorful images that help students remember all the important points.

NMS Pediatrics (National Medical Series for Independent Study) 

NMS Pediatrics is an ideal resource for medical school students rotating in the pediatrics clerkship. The book, written by Paul H. Dworkin and Paula Algranati MD, covers the important pediatrics topics that prepare you for shelf exams and USMLE. At the end of each chapter, USMLE style questions are included to prepare you for rotation exams.

Shelf Life Pediatrics

A pocket-sized question book with 500 high-quality questions and answers, is designed to solidify your understanding and concepts related to pediatrics. Shelf Life Pediatrics includes explanations for correct and incorrect answers both. With more than 100 colorful, clinical images, x-rays, CTs, EEG strips, it makes it easier for students to improve their visual understanding of the important topics.

Bottom Line

Studying for the pediatric rotation and preparing for the shelf exams will become easier for medical students with these highly rated books. There are numerous other study materials available, but the pediatric books mentioned above will help you understand the important concepts to make the most out of your clerkship. So, add these best books to your study schedule, and you will surely do great on your rotation and prepare for a rewarding pediatric career.

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