In order to provide fair and equal access to our resources, the Windsor University School of Medicine Library adheres to the following policies and procedures.

User Eligibility

Full library services are available to all registered students, faculty and staff at WUSOM. Residents of the Cayon-Lodge communities interested in using the library may contact the library to enquire about applying to WUSOM Community Patron Library Access.

The WUSOM ID is required at the time of checking out items from the library.Students may check out up to 6 items at one time.

The following apply to ALL categories of users:

  • Borrowing privileges are not transferable.
  • Library users are responsible for all transactions conducted on their library account.
  • Borrowing privileges will be suspended if fines are owed to the Library.

Loan Periods

Loan periods vary depending on the type of patron and type of item. All items are due at the end of each academic session, sometimes resulting in less than the normal loan period.

The following describes loan periods for WUSOM faculty, students and staff:

General Collection

21 days loan

Reserved Collection

7 & 14 Days Loan

Reference Collection

Library use only


Library use only


All circulating materials from the General and Reserved Collections can be renewed in the absence of hold requests by other users.

  • Renewals can be made (a) in person, with or without the library materials (b) via telephone (c) via Email.
  • Overdue materials cannot be renewed.

Overdue Fines

  • Patrons are responsible for returning items on or before the due date.
  • The circulation privileges of patrons with overdue items will be suspended until fines are paid in full.
  • Courtesy overdue notices are sent via Email on a daily basis. Failure to receive overdue notices does not constitute waiving of incurred fines.
  • Fines rate is $2.00 per day.

Replacement of Lost or Damaged Materials

All patrons are responsible for the care of items borrowed from the library. If an item is lost or damaged, patrons will be responsible for replacing or repairing same.

Lost Materials

Items which are overdue for more than 30 days will be considered lost. Patrons will be billed a replacement fee, comprising the cost of the item plus shipping and handling charges.

Damaged Materials

Patrons are responsible for damage to items borrowed from the library. Following an assessment of the damage, an appropriate fee, based on what is required to repair the book, will be applied. If the item cannot be repaired, the patron will be billed the full replacement cost of the item.

Notices of bills are sent to patrons via E-mail. Notwithstanding receipt of same, users are responsible for full payment of all incurred fines.

User Conduct Policies

  • A quiet study atmosphere must be maintained. Speak softly. at all times.
  • Voice communication is not allowed while using your electronic items.
  • Cell phones must be on silent or vibrate while using the library.
  • Neither food nor beverage is allowed in the library. However, water may be consumed if contained in a clear, covered container.
  • Courtesy and respect are prerequisites to services rendered by the library staff.
  • Be the guardian of your property. The library staff is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Borrower Confidentiality

Windsor University School of Medicine Library acknowledges that all patrons’ data and circulation records are confidential. Therefore, the library will not disclose any information concerning registration of library users nor circulation activity to unauthorized persons.

Donating to WUSOM Library

The WUSOM Library accepts donations of books, periodicals and materials in other formats that meet its regular selection criteria. This criterion includes subject matter, copyright date and condition of the item(s).

Upon acceptance, the gift becomes the property of WUSOM Library.

If the library decides not to add the gift to its collection, it reserves the right to dispose of the item as is seen fit. This may include donating the item to another library or adding it to items to be sold at a library book sale.

Receipt of donations is acknowledged in writing.

Thank you for donating!