For almost 2 decades, Windsor University School of Medicine has been providing opportunity, education, and support to students from all over the world to achieve their academic and career goals. Follow our blog to learn more about our institution, the medical field, and medical instruction.


How Does a Course in Medical Ethics Help Medical Students Grasp the Concept of Justice?

Imagine yourself in the shoes of a physician who has to coax an unwilling patient...

What Medical Students Need to Consider When Preparing for Clinical Clerkships?

Okay, finally it’s time to leave the nest, or more specifically the safety and comfort...

How to Survive Your Pre-clinical Medical Years – 5 Tips for Aspiring Doctors

Caribbean Medical school can be extremely taxing, right from the beginning when you are venturing...

7 Sure-Fire Ways to Succeed as a Premedical Student

Each year, thousands of aspirant doctors get into the medical school they had aspired for...

5 Proven Ways to Stay Positive through the Rigors of a Medical School

Staying positive is a key factor to success in life. Finding positivity and high levels...

Here’s How You Can Survive and Thrive as a First-Year Medical Student

Congratulations! After months of preparation and stress, dredging through a taxing process of getting through...

Getting your Medical School Application Right: Asking for Help can go a long way!

Like all pre-medical students, you are most likely capable and confident, with a fierce independent...

Can Non-science Courses Help You Prepare For Medical School Challenges?

Surviving in a medical school entails much more than remembering the differential diagnosis of back pain...


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