Spring 2021 Semester plan and COVID-19 Advisory Update

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Spring 2021 Semester plan and COVID-19 Advisory Update
In response to the ongoing COVID-19 global outbreak, the Windsor University School of Medicine (WUSOM), is pleased to offer the pre-clinical science portion of the curriculum in a hybrid fashion for the upcoming spring 2021 semester. This decision was based on the objective of ensuring the health, safety and well-being of theWindsor community. This action was further supported by the positive outcome of our trial hybrid learning sessions conducted during the fall 2020 semester. The concept of “hybrid” sessions, necessarily refers to a mixture or blend based on where students are located (On or Off- Campus) during the delivery of instruction. Students in a particular course receive the same instruction and content, concurrently. Thereby, only students on campus will attend by being present in the classroom , while those not on the island will join the instructional session through the interactive online technology made available. To confirm that in-class sessions met government regulations and policies, the administration at Windsor University invited the St.Kitts COVID-19 Task Force prior to implementing the trial hybrid sessions. The Task Force was satisfied and deemed suitable all the COVID-19 controls and protocols implemented on the campus. Thereby, in accordance with authorization by the St. Kitts government, and supportive results of the trial sessions conducted, the campus will be open for the upcoming Spring 2021 semester. This will facilitate delivery of the hybrid sessions and also for use of the library facilities. We also encourage both new as well as returning students to travel to St.Kitts to benefit from the in-class, face-to-face interaction. However, we appreciate if you choose to continue attending online instruction for particular reasons, such as travel challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.

WUSOM strongly believes that clinical skills along with communication and professionalism are important competencies that are difficult to attain without face to face interactions. These competencies are heavily addressed in our Introduction to Clinical Medicine course: parts 1-5. Accordingly, the school is working on alternate arrangements to accommodate students who are not able to travel to St. Kitts at this time. This alternative may permit students to attend sessions conducted at clinical teaching sites closer to their home, while still following a standardized curriculum. An update with details of this potential plan will be conveyed to students during the early part of the Spring 2021 semester.

Those students deciding to return to St.Kitts, kindly refer to the following FAQ.


When will the January 2021 semester start?

The semester starts on January 4, 2021. Student attendance is mandatory from day 1 of either onsite or online classes, also the student is expected to maintain the required attendance. A full academic calendar is …. Add link to academic calendar.

When should I book my travel?

You should arrange travel to St.Kitts with enough time to prepare for our January 4, 2021 start.

Will students need to quarantine once they arrive on the island and what are the requirements for entry to St.Kitts?

Yes, the government of St.Kitts and Nevis has determined a 14 day quarantine requirement for international travelers.

Everyone travelling to St.Kitts, including all WUSOM students, faculty, staff and families will need to have a negative RT-PCR Nasal swab within 3 days of arrival (within 72 hours of the last leg of your flight if you have a layover). This negative test result must be uploaded to the government web site prior to boarding your flight to be admitted to St.Kitts. For further details and requirements kindly visit the St.Kitts government’s website at https://www.knatravelform.kn/

What is the status of COVID-19 on St.Kitts?

As of November 24th 2020 there are a total of 22 cases of which only 3 are currently active.

Have there been any cases, which originated on the Windsor campus, either from students, staff or faculty?

We are happy to report that no active cases have originated nor were in contact with all personnel and students on campus.

How will WUSOM ensure the safety of students and prevent a COVID-19 outbreak on campus?

WUSOM`s COVID-19 task force has instituted numerous protocols as a part of our comprehensive safety plan. Some elements include symptom screenings with temperature checks upon campus entry; installing hand sanitizer stations; reduced capacity of common spaces; mandatory masks, and physical barriers in student service areas. All of these are part of WUSOM COVID-19 safety protocols and action plan; this can be accessed here…. Link to the protocol document.