Why Should You Start Your MD Program in May?

MD Program

Don’t delay your MD program, start medical school in May and fulfill your dream of becoming a doctor! Medical school is an intense, transformative journey, requiring years of hard work, clinical exposure, and personal growth. Traditionally, most medical schools begin their MD programs in August or September. However, WUSOM accepts applications at different times of […]

Why Choose the Windsor University School of Medicine For your MD program?

MD Program

Are you looking to receive a high-quality medical education with experienced faculty, cutting-edge facilities, and comprehensive curriculums, gain real-world hands-on clinical experience, live on a paradise island, enjoy a unique cultural experience – and still get to practice in the USA and Canada?  Properly accredited medical schools in the Caribbean – such as the Windsor University […]

Introduction to the Four-Year MD Program Curriculum of WUSOM

Many aspiring physicians are wondering what to expect in medical school. There is no denying the fact that a Doctor of Medicine (MD) program is entirely different from an undergraduate degree program. The medical school curriculum is designed by keeping the academic needs, clinical knowledge, and advanced healthcare trends in mind. Building a better understanding […]