How Can Medical Students Make the Best of Winter Break

How Can Medical Students Make the Best of Winter Break?

You are done with your exams and it is time to give yourself a pat on the back for those long hard hours you put in. With the start of the winter break, you must be wondering what to do with the hours not being spent studying, running between classes, preparing for this exam or […]

4 Activities for Medical Students Before Starting Medical School

So, you have finally received the confirmation call that you have been accepted to one of the best medical schools in the Caribbean. Now, what’s next? Many medical students are unaware of the study strategies they need to begin their medical education. How to prepare for medical school classes, what are the best books they […]

Top 5 Medical Specialties for Introverts

“I am rather shy and introverted. Can I have a successful career in the medical field?” The answer is yes. According to Medscape’s 2018 Physician Lifestyle & Happiness report, which surveyed over 15,543 physicians across 29 disciplines, as many as 35% physicians identified as ‘introverts. In fact, instead of perceiving introversion as a drawback, medical schools are […]