Looking To Become a Surgeon? Here Are the Most Popular Surgery Disciplines

Does everyone keep telling you that you display all the telltale signs of becoming a successful surgeon? Are you interested in pursuing a career in surgery but can’t decide what to specialize in? with a projected shortage of up to 28,700 surgeons in the US by 2033, the career outlook is quite promising for aspiring surgeons studying at Caribbean […]

Why Medical Schools should improve Mental Health Among Medical Students

Numerous studies have placed medical students at a much higher rate of burnout and depression than their peers who are pursuing different careers, and this constant stress can carry forward in residency. Burnout among medical students has been linked to a 20% increased risk of alcohol abuse or worst, thoughts of suicide, to the point […]

Windsor Holds Basic Sciences Recognition Ceremony

Recently, Windsor University School of Medicine held the Basic Science Recognition Ceremony to celebrate the students who finished their first five semesters. The basic sciences form the foundation of medical education and cover subjects such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, and pathology. The ceremony celebrates students who have successfully completed their preclinical years. The event serves as […]